A Review of the
PTS (PhysTechSoft) Disk Editor
(or PTSDE)

Note: The PTS-DiskEditor will NOT function under WinNT/2000/XP !
However, it makes an excellent repair tool when using a DOS Boot disk, and is very helpful in changing the MBRs of WinNT/2000/XP OSs.

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The Starman's Free Tools Page: PTS-DiskEditor

Click here: To DOWNLOAD the Program.

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
( http://www.phystechsoft.com/ )
Note: The PTS - Disk Editor discussed here is the free version (v.1.04; 1998);
not their latest commercial program which has a few additional features.

When you run PTSDE, you'll see a window similar to this one in a DOS-Window
( I recommend using a FULL-screen DOS-Window for PTSDE.
Click here: For info on "How to use a DOS-Window in Windows" ) :

PTSDE in "Real" DOS Mode

HELP: Keyboard Commands


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