Memorial Plaque in honor of
Pál Mester (Master Paul) the "Anonymus"

György Gusztáv Szentgyörgyi had this plaque placed on/in
the old Szegyory homestead on November 1, 1908.

(The plaque was moved to the Museum of Sabinov in 1990 or 1991.)

Digital scan by Daniel B. Sedory of a paper photocopy provided by Paul Hinlicky

The text on the plaque is Hungarian:

E házban lakott PÁL mester
bazini és szentgyörgyi
vagyis ANONYMUS,
IIIdik BÉLA király állitólagos névtelen jegyzője
1241 April második felétől 1245 vagy 6 évi káposztaszedésig

Dicső ősőm irúnti [keyyeletem(?)] [ jetéűl(?)] 1908 XI/I.
Szentgyörgyi György Gusztáv

The best we can do at translating this into English:

In this house lived Master Paul
bazini and szentgyörgyi
Count Paul Szentgyörgyi
Known as The ANONYMUS,

állitólagos névtelen jegyzője (of/for) King Béla the Third
with his wife: Zsuzsanna Marton
from the second half of April 1241 until the cabbage harvest of 1245 or 6

(in) honor ősőm irúnti [keyyeletem(?)] [jetéűl(?)] November 1, 1908.
Szentgyörgyi György Gusztáv.


Some of the words on this plaque and in the 1908 book written by György Gusztáv Szentgyörgyi are very difficult even for Hungarians to understand today! From a recent computer dicitionary, I found that the word, állítólagos, may mean: "alleged, reputed, ostensible, self-styled" and állítólag: "reputedly, reportedly, professedly, allegedly." And jegyzõkönyv is a: "record, report or proceedings;" a jegyzõkönyvvezetõ being a "court reporter." But what did the phrase, állitólagos névtelen jegyzője mean to our author back in 1908? Here you'll find a sort of concordance or word commentary for most of the Hungarian words on this plaque: